I am so happy with the quality of all the Thrive vegetables I've tried so far. The sweet corn and broccoli are great to snack on right out of the can. I actually keep a baggie of corn in my purse for a little munchie. I've never been a big fan of canned vegetables, even though I tend to serve canned green beans or corn with dinner pretty often. I usually buy Green Giant even though it costs a little more because I hope it tastes the best. I've now started replacing my canned beans and corn with Thrive and I really like it. It's just as easy as canned. I just add water and microwave for a few minutes just like I normally did with canned veggies. It tastes so much fresher and there's no preservatives!
The other night I wanted to make a comfort type casserole for dinner that called for a bag of frozen mixed vegetables. I didn't have any in the freezer and didn't feel like going to the store. Then I thought - Oh yeah, I can use Thrive! I just took out my cans of corn, green beans, onions, carrots and peas, poured some of each in a bowl, added boiling water and let it sit covered for about 10 minutes. Drained the veggies and they were ready to go.

The colors were so vibrant! The veggies stayed a little crisp and tasted great in the casserole. No more frozen bags of mixed veggies for me! I love that I can just make the amount that I need. I don't know how many times I've left half used bags in the freezer that stay there for too long and never get used.