My beautiful wife Trish has assigned me the task of writing about the Thrive instant powdered milk. I think it's because I'm the chief consumer of dairy in the family. She isn't much of a recreational milk drinker, but I guzzle the stuff. We really should invest in a milk cow, but because I don't have time for care, feeding, and milking of the animal, and because the neighbors would likely complain, that's not happening anytime soon.
In the meantime, I have found that Thrive milk is really close to store-bought. I have tried whey powder, soy milk, and almond milk. I actually enjoy drinking them all to some degree, and some quite a lot. Powdered milk is another story. I haven't tried them all, but those I have don't even work with chocolate - they are relegated to pancakes. There are rumors about powdered milk brands available that are close to the real thing - I just haven't experienced any until we got the Thrive Instant Milk. It's great being able to skip a trip to the store just to get milk. The Thrive powder mixes up well with cold water (1 and a 1/3 cup into 2 quarts water) and is ready to drink.
